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ENB:10:35 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Working Group considered Commitment 6 (development of Africa and the least developed countries) during the morning session and reconvened in the evening to consider the updated texts of the draft Declaration and Chapter V (Implementation and Follow-up). Amb. Butler noted that his Group did not have time to incorporate the G- 77/China"s proposed commitment into the Group"s report. Delegates agreed to consult further on the wording and placement. At the end of the evening, Somav¡a noted that 95% of the Declaration had been finalized and that he would continue consultations on the outstanding issues.


INTRODUCTION: References to "countries with economies in transition" remain bracketed in paragraph 15 (people vulnerable to stress) and 24 (narrow gap between developed and other countries). In 8 (enhance social development), the reference to living "in harmony with the environment" remains bracketed. Canada noted that this represented consensus Rio language, but India expressed concern that it imposed undue obligations. In 9 (international conferences), the G-77/China proposed reference to the SIDS Conference, but the EU objected. Other delegations supported the reference, stating that it would be unacceptable to omit SIDS, a UN conference, and the EU agreed.

A. CURRENT SOCIAL SITUATION AND REASONS FOR CONVENING THE SUMMIT: In paragraph 18 (reduction of social distress), brackets remain around the call to address the impact from arms production and trade "whenever/wherever it occurs."

B. PRINCIPLES AND GOALS: In sub-paragraph 23(g) (income distribution), the reference to promoting "more" equitable distribution remains bracketed by the G-77/China. The US noted that "more equitable" is Rio language. 23(k) (right to self-determination of occupied peoples) remains in brackets. In 25 (common pursuit of social development), the reference to respect for "territorial integrity" remains in brackets.

C. COMMITMENTS: In Commitment 1 (enabling environment), the qualification to provide a stable legal framework "in accordance with our constitutions, national laws and procedures" remains bracketed. In 1(i) (external economic environment), brackets remain on the reference to new and additional resources. The reference to the "right to work and worker"s rights" remains bracketed in the chapeau of Commitment 3 (full employment). Both alternatives to 3(i) (workers' rights and labour standards) remain bracketed.

In Commitment 4(n) (international human rights instruments), brackets remain around the reference to encouraging "adherence to international declarations" and the qualification that implementation be "with full respect for the sovereignty of States." In Commitment 5(f) (partnership between men and women), the Butler text contained a bracketed reference to "the importance of responsible sexual and reproductive behavior and parenthood by men." Somav¡a warned that the press would have a field day if it remained bracketed. Iran called for the Cairo formulation that refers to shared responsibilities, which delegates agreed to in principle. 5(k) (women"s human rights) was approved as was the new 5(l) bis (Beijing Conference). In Commitment 6(c) (debt problem), the G-77/China accepted an EU proposal to "take full account of" the UN New Agenda for the Development of Africa and the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries, rather than take action "in the framework" of those instruments. The EU agreed to the reference to the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries and deleted the reference to the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty. Remaining bracketed references are: finding a [realistic], [effective], comprehensive, [equitable, development-oriented, durable] [and sustainable] solution to the debt problem; taking action [on all types of debt]; and cancellation [or reduction] of bilateral debt. In (e) (ODA levels), the G-77/China proposed removing the bracketed qualification to increase "the impact of" ODA, but the EU objected. In Commitment 8(j) (international finance), Ghana preferred "facilitate the transfer" instead of "increase the flow." The EU objected. The US preferred (j) bis as a substitute ("Facilitate the flow of international finance, technology and human skill in order to transfer sufficient resources for development towards the countries with economies in transition"), noting that (j) did not reflect current discussions. 8(q) (needs of economies in transition) was approved.


Sub-paragraph 78(c) (20:20) and its various alternatives remain bracketed. In 78(f) bis (land-locked countries), the G-77/China proposed "the challenges and problems characteristic to these countries" to replace "their high vulnerability and specially difficult circumstances." New 78 bis (implementation in countries with economies in transition) was approved, as was new 84(e) bis (ECOSOC and World Bank implementation). Paragraph 84(g) bis (role of UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) was agreed. In 84(b) (review), delegates agreed to delete the reference to a second WSSD. In 84(e) bis (ECOSOC), the text remained bracketed. New 85 bis (technical cooperation) was approved. In 87(b) (UNDP), Norway called for brackets around the reference to UNDP. The brackets remain in 86(c) (ILO).

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