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ENB:10:36 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This section identifies the actions required to promote mutually reinforcing, broad-based sustained economic growth and sustainable development. Brackets remain on one paragraph regarding reoriented agricultural policies and adoption of appropriate forms of agricultural support in accordance with the relevant provision of the Final Act of the Uruguay Round. Brackets also remain around the need for "more" equitably distributed benefits of global economic growth, whether the actions are "required/necessary" and whether or not they should be taken at the "international level."

There are also brackets around the reference to continuing efforts to reduce "and/or eliminate on a case by case basis" the debt burden of developing countries, "particularly the poorest among them." Paragraphs on implementation of structural reform policies and creation of an enabling environment that attracts foreign and domestic direct investment are bracketed. References to an "effective, comprehensive, equitable, development-oriented and durable solution to the external debt problem," and to increases in ODA for social programmes, are bracketed. The paragraph on measures to reduce inefficiencies and inequities arising from illegitimate/excessive accumulation of wealth by speculative or windfall gains also remains unresolved.