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PLENARY: The Summit segment of the WSSD will convene today at 9:30 am to hear statements from 45 heads of State or Government. The opening statement will be made by Danish Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen. UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali will give the second statement.

LEADERS IN CYBERSPACE: The UN exhibit "Summitry Works" has moved into the Bella Center. The display features a link into the Internet, where it is hoped that world leaders will respond "on-line" to some of more than 2200 e-mail messages sent to them by youth from 69 countries in the "Voices of Youth" project. This exhibit joins the 400 works of children's art entitled, "Our Point of View: Youth and the Social Summit" that forms at 68 meter-long wall in Bella Center.