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Since Copenhagen, a number of UN programmes, agencies and commissions have begun to implement the Declaration and Programme of Action. The following list of initiatives is indicative of these efforts.

  • <$TSpInterLn=1335;SpInterPar=135>The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has established a Summit follow-up strategy group, which is working with UNDP country offices and country-level partners to assist them in elaborating specific strategies and programmes for implementing the Programme of Action.
  • UNDP is also working closely with governments and UN system partners on several post-Copenhagen initiatives, including a proposed international meeting on the 20:20 formula for funding social programmes; the possible establishment of a consultative group on the poorest; poverty monitoring; and the Secretary-General's Special Initiative for Africa.
  • The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) informed all of its field and headquarters staff of the highlights of the Summit, in particular as they relate to the decisions and recommendations of the International Conference on Population and Development.
  • At its meeting in October 1995, the Development Committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) considered the implications of the Social Summit for developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) Governing Body, at its session in March/April 1995, requested the Director-General to ensure that ILO research, operational and standard-setting activities are geared closely to the implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action. At its session in November 1995, the Governing Body considered the questions of promoting universal ratification of the ILO fundamental human rights conventions, combating child labor and improving the effectiveness of ILO supervision of labor standards.