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The General Assembly Plenary considered implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development (Agenda Item 161) on Thursday and Friday, 7-8 December 1995. Delegates had before them the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development (A/50/670) as well as the report of the Social Summit (A/CONF.166/9).

During the course of the debate, most delegates noted that while it is the primary responsibility of States to attain the Summit's goals, those goals have to be achieved in the context of a broad partnership with the international community through the United Nations. Delegates stressed the importance of the role of ECOSOC as a coordinating body and called for a review of the mandate and method of work of the Commission for Social Development. Several delegates endorsed the recommendation that a special session be convened in the year 2000 to examine implementation of the Summit's outcome.

The following is a summary of the two-day debate.