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COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: The Commission for Social Development will meet in a special session from 21-30 May 1996 at UN Headquarters in New York. The theme of the session will be "Strategies and actions for the eradication of poverty: formulation of integrated strategies; meeting basic human needs of all; and promotion of self-reliance and community-based initiatives."

NORWEGIAN INITIATIVE ON THE 20:20 CONCEPT: Norway has proposed hosting a meeting on operationalizing the 20:20 concept. A small preparatory group, consisting of three developed and three developing countries, has begun work on the meeting in cooperation with the relevant UN organizations. The preparatory group has recommended that the meeting work towards a common definition of basic social programmes, define modalities for implementing the 20:20 concept, and agree on ways to monitor implementation.

DANISH SEMINARS: The Government of Denmark will be convening in Copenhagen international seminars on selected social development issues. The Danes will be setting up a small secretariat to prepare for these seminars.