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Country reports by governments will be presented for discussion at the next session of the PrepCom. In the course of the preparation of these reports, governments will: review human settlements characteristics as of 1995, with emphasis on urbanization trends; review the major changes in human settlements development since 1976, including an analysis of major trends, using quantitative policy-sensitive indicators; identify the most efficient and innovative approaches used in the public and private sectors to address human settlements problems and resource constraints over the 1976-1996 period; highlight the current urban policy issues at national, regional and city levels and the policy strategy options based on conclusions of a participatory process; and prepare a detailed National Action Plan for the 1996-2020 period. These plans should reflect a common national view of the challenges ahead, including: macro and sectoral policy goals for an urbanizing world; a set of programmes and sub-programmes for investing in economic, social and environmental sustainable development, with realistic targets and timetables; human, technical and financial resource requirements, including the role of external assistance; and, proposals for regular monitoring of the urban and housing sectors. In the course of this preparation, governments are expected to cooperate closely with regional and local governments, representatives of the private sector and NGOs.