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ENB:11:02 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PREPCOM II: The second session of the Preparatory Committee for Habitat II will be held in Nairobi from 24 April - 5 May 1995. The provisional agenda includes: preparations for the Conference (activities of the Secretariat; preparations at the national, regional and global levels; activities of intergovernmental bodies, NGOs, the private sector and other agencies; and special events, including a world fair); statement of principles and commitments and global plan of action; state of human settlements report and major reviews; and arrangements for the third substantive session of the Preparatory Committee.

TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS: The Secretariat will convene technical workshops in June/July 1995 to deal with the following cross-sectoral issues: poverty alleviation; environment management; governance; shelter provision and tenure; disaster prevention and mitigation; transport; communication; and new urban patterns. Background papers will be developed and enriched by case studies. The results of the workshops will form the basis for position papers to be tabled at roundtables in Istanbul focusing on strategies for healthier, safer, more equitable and sustainable human settlements.

REGIONAL MEETINGS: The Secretariat will convene five regional meetings in August/September 1995 to provide an opportunity for an exchange of experiences on national preparatory processes and to better focus the final drafts of national reports in each region.