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ENB:11:04 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


ELECTION OF THE COMMITTEE: Amb. H.L. de Silva (Sri Lanka) and Amb. Eldar Kouliev (Azerbaijan) were elected as the Vice-Chairs representing the Asian region and Eastern European States, respectively.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA AND ORGANIZATION OF WORK: In presenting Agenda Item 1 contained in document A/CONF.165/PC.2/1, the Chair drew attention to paragraph 2, preparations for the conference, to which four sub-items were added for consideration: (a) provisional agenda of the Conference; (b) provisional rules of procedure of the Conference; (c) structure of the Conference including the establishment of committees and organization of work; and (d) the relationship between the NGO forum, round-tables and other special events and the outcome of the Conference. The agenda was adopted.

ORGANIZATION OF WORK: The Committee then considered the proposals for the organization of work as contained in Annex I and Annex II of document A/CONF.165/PC.2/1/Add.1, Annotations to the provisional agenda. The chair proposed a new timetable contained in document A/CONF.165/PC.2/1/ADD.1/CORR.1 to facilitate early consideration of Agenda Item 3, the Draft Statement of Principles and Global Plan of Action, by Working Group II. Consideration would start Monday afternoon with an additional session Friday morning. The Working Group I meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon was canceled. Working Group I will start its work on Thursday morning with Agenda item 2. It will not meet on Friday morning but in the afternoon, and will continue discussion of Agenda Item 2 on Monday morning of the second week. The Group will take up Agenda Item 4 on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. The document was adopted.

Lujanen then proposed the following Chairs for the Working Groups, which was adopted without objections: Working Group I, Pamela Mboya (Kenya); Working Group II, H.L. de Silva (Sri Lanka); and Eldar Kouliev (Azerbaijan) to assist the Chair in running the session.

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