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ENB:11:14 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


WORKSHOP ON URBAN ENVIRONMENT RENEWAL IN THE MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES: This meeting, which is being organized by the University of Venice, will take place in Venice, Italy, from 11-13 January 1996. For more information, contact: Marcello Balbo, University of Venice; tel: +39-11-257-2305; fax: +39-11-524-0807.

GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON ACCESS TO LAND AND SECURITY OF TENURE: This Conference, which is organized by the Government of India and UNCHS (Habitat), will take place in New Delhi, India, from 17-19 January 1996. For more information, contact Ms. S. Lacroux, UNCHS (Habitat), tel: +254-2-62-3108; fax: +254-2-62-4264.

ECOPOLIS: PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT: This international conference, which is organized by the French Committee for Habitat II, will take place in Nantes, France, from 24-25 January 1995. For more information, contact Mr. Georges Cavallier, tel: +33-1-4321-6822; fax: +33-1-4321-6837.

SEMINAR ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOODS: This seminar is organized by UNICEF, City University of New York, Children and Environment Program, Berkeley and UNCHS (Habitat). It will take place from 1-2 February 1996 in New York. For more information, contact Ximena de la Barra, UNICEF, tel: +1-212-702-7246; fax: +1-212-702-7148.

PREPCOM III: The third session of the Preparatory Committee for Habitat II will be held in New York from 5-16 February 1996. PrepCom Chair Martti Lujanen expects to get down to business without a general debate and spend the entire two weeks negotiating the Statement of Principles and Commitments and the Global Plan of Action, and preparing for the Conference.

ENB ON-LINE: The International Institute for Sustainable Development maintains a World Wide Web site, Linkages, with information on the Habitat II preparatory process that includes issues of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, photos, audio interviews, and links to official documents. During PrepCom III and the Conference, Linkages will provide "real time" information updated daily on the negotiations. Linkages can be found at <<>>.