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ENB:11:21 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


On 23 (commitment to the Habitat II Agenda), the G-77/China proposed noting that human beings are at the center of concerns on adequate shelter for all. On 24 (adequate shelter for all), the EU referred to implementation consistent with human rights standards and Canada proposed language from Agenda 21. On 25(b) (security of tenure), the group discussed "vulnerable and disadvantaged groups," disabled persons and "legal" tenure options. The G-77/China proposed "through a diverse range of tenure options." The group agreed to the G-77/China text as amended, and "legal" was bracketed. On 25(c) (housing finance), the group accepted the original text and included the US-proposed "public and private" finance sources.

On 25(g) (discrimination), some delegates supported an EU proposal specifying types of discrimination. The G-77/China objected to "sexual orientation" and the Holy See proposed "discrimination in all its forms." On 25(h) (groups needing shelter), delegates debated the inclusion of refugees, migrants and indigenous peoples. Some delegates proposed including a new 25(i). The Philippines supported measures for legal migrants, but many delegates said the proposal unduly differentiates migrants from other groups. Delegates bracketed a proposed 25(j) (traditional rights to land). Proposed 25(k) (forced evictions) was withdrawn pending the results of the housing rights drafting group.

In written proposals on 26 (sustainable human settlements), the EU proposed referring to the precautionary principle and the US proposed substituting developing "economies" with "societies." Delegates debated the inclusion of several issues under 27(objectives), such as: sustained economic development, coastal zones, access to services, redevelopment of poorly utilized land, natural and human-made disasters, and implementation of local commitments. Language on cities under foreign occupation was bracketed.

On 28 (enablement), the G-77/China recommended a reference to assistance from the international community, the US referred to grassroots women's groups, and Norway proposed "men and women on an equal basis." Many delegates supported Canada's proposal to include "design, management and assessment," as well as Australia's proposal to include "participation" in the title. Some delegates thought "enablement" should refer to national, rather than international, actions.

In 29 (objectives), the EU proposed language on enabling local leadership and the US proposed including "gender-sensitive" institutional frameworks. Delegates accepted Canada's references to institutionalizing "a participatory approach," supporting "progress and security" and encouraging "community-based organizations." Canada will redraft its proposal on gender equality following comments on its length and location. A proposal on tenant participation in management and a proposal on scientific research and development were adopted. A G-77/China proposal on international cooperation was bracketed.

In 31 (objectives), the group deferred discussing economic development pending consideration by a drafting group. The group adopted sub-paragraphs on enhancing public revenue, strengthening regulatory frameworks, promoting access to credit, and adopting mechanisms for allocation of resources, as amended. The G-77/China proposal for a new sub-paragraph recognizing the housing sector was included for review by the drafting group. For 32 (international cooperation), the G-77/China's proposal was bracketed pending discussion by the drafting group. In 33 (further objectives), delegates debated a proposal on a target percentage of GNP for development assistance, private capital flows and mobilizing adequate new and additional resources. In 35 (UNCHS), the EU proposed referring only to the UN framework, and the G-77/China objected.

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