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In 143 (importance of international cooperation), delegates debated references to the private sector. The US proposed a reference noting the "centrality" of private sector participation and to the "local" private sector. Delegates agreed to mention, but not emphasize, the private sector. In 144 (downward trends in assistance), the G-77/China highlighted the needs of developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, and mentioned private sector involvement. The US proposed language noting that implementation is the responsibility of each country. The EU disagreed with the reference to least developed countries. Delegates agreed to combine the US and G-77/China proposals, as amended. Delegates bracketed a G-77/China-proposed 144bis, which noted trends in the global economy and listed developing country problems. The US said it overemphasized the public sector and did not address local communities.

In 145 (innovative approaches), delegates agreed to synthesize proposals on replacing "frameworks" for cooperation with "approaches" (EU), references to NGOs and CBOs (US) and language on international organizations (G-77/China). The EU proposed a 145bis on decentralized cooperation, but some delegates objected to the recognition of the right and capacity of local governments to develop international relations. The EU added "within the existing legal framework of each country." The G-77/China's 145bis (impact of international migration) was bracketed.

In 146 (enabling international context), delegates debated economic growth and sustainable development. Proposals included references to debt, debt service burden, structural adjustment, "outward-oriented programmes of economic adjustment," and the relation of economic development to urbanization.

On 147 (actions), delegates agreed to convene a group, chaired by Richard Butler (Australia), to synthesize proposals on 146, 147 and 148. In 149 (financial resources), delegates debated proposals on new and additional resources, development assistance targets, the scope for facilitating access to international financial markets, private sector investments, and the needs of small island and land-locked states. Delegates agreed to include 149 and 150 (actions) in Australia's group.

In 151 (technology transfer and information exchange), delegates agreed to proposals referring to UNCHS (G-77/China) and adequate protection for intellectual property and mutually agreed allocation of commercial benefits(US). In 152(a)-(e) (actions), delegates debated the strength of the language, references to national application and UNCHS. Developing countries objected to proposals referring to countries with economies in transition. Delegates bracketed 152(e) (disseminating technology) and 153 (technical cooperation) following disagreements on UNCHS's role. The G-77/China bracketed 154(a) because proposals to "examine the feasibility" of establishing information networks would lead to delays. Delegates bracketed 154(c) <M>(UNCHS). Delegates accepted 154(b) (assist in accessing information), (d) (strengthen capacity-building programs), (e) (UNCHS and capacity-building) and (f) (support technical cooperation) as amended. Delegates bracketed portions of the EU-proposed 154(g) on UNCHS's provision of technical, legal and institutional advice because it noted "within existing resources." Delegates adopted 155 (institutional cooperation) without amendment. The EU and the G-77/China disagreed on follow-up measures in 156, but will produce a redraft. Delegates accepted 157(actions) as amended, but bracketed "where appropriate" in reference to UN agency actions.

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