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Subgroup C recommenced work on Section C (sustainable human settlements). To date the Subgroup is reported to have increased the length of the text by 50%. In 89 (urban and rural poverty), a US-proposed 89(a)bis (employment rights) was bracketed. Canada also proposed an 89(a)bis (men and women sharing responsibilities) and added 89(c)bis (access to productive resources). The EU amended 89(d) (access to credit) to refer to "vulnerable and disadvantaged groups." US and Canadian amendments on micro enterprises, credit, and women were referred to an informal drafting group. Delegates amended an EU-proposed 89(e)bis (education and vocational training) to promote "timely" access for the unemployed and people living in poverty. The G-77/China proposed a new 89(h) (promote job opportunities through mass media).

In 90 (gender-sensitive planning and management), the US added "in collaboration" with stakeholders. The paragraph was bracketed. In 90(a) (access to basic urban services), Canada preferred adoption, where appropriate (G-77/China), of standards, laws, and guidelines "in relation to planning, development and decision-making." A US-proposed 90(a)ter (women and informal sector) was adopted. A Canadian-proposed 90(c)bis (employment for women) was bracketed. In 90(d) (legal and customary barriers to women's access), delegates inserted elimination of barriers to "equal" access to (US) "and control of" land and finance [where appropriate] (G-77/China) [where they exist] (Canada). The G-77/China said the elimination of customary barriers could undermine some women's rights. The Holy See added 90(e)bis (poverty among rural women). A US-proposed 90(f)bis (promote women's access to housing, land and civic services) and 90(f)ter (community awareness of homeless and refugee women) and an EU-proposed 90(g) (women's access to housing) were bracketed. Brackets were placed around: an EU-proposed 90bis (role of youth), including four subparagraphs; a Canadian 90(a)bis (youth and sustainable communities); and a US-proposed 90bis (disability sensitive planning) with subparagraphs (a) to (j).

In 91 (violence and crime), delegates accepted an EU reformulated text: "to prevent and reduce" violence, especially at the local level, Governments should act in partnership with "all stakeholders" (G-77/China). The EU and US amended 91(a) (encourage use of public spaces as a center of community life). A Canadian-proposed 91(a)bis (help communities address underlying factors) was bracketed. Bracketed additions to 91(b) (street children) included: "training and education" (G-77/China); "encourage children to become stakeholders"(US); and "a guaranteed basic education" (Holy See). Canada and the US proposed versions of 91(b)bis (women's safety), including programmes on domestic violence and "children's safety" (Norway/UNICEF). The EU proposed deleting language on neighborhood-based crime watch, but the G-77/China and the US objected. The subparagraph was bracketed. The US introduced 91(e)bis (voluntary programmes) to prevent violence "including [the incidence of] violence in the home" and crime. The US added an 91(e)ter (action on sex trafficking).

In 93 (environmental causes of poor health), the US and G-77/China disagreed over the inclusion of reference to unsafe drinking water. Canada and the G-77/China wanted to reformulate the opening sentences (after a UNICEF amendment), linking health to sustainable human settlements. The proposals were bracketed. The Subgroup reconvened informally in the evening. The paragraphs in Section D that were originally assigned to the group have been deferred for consideration in Istanbul.

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