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The Subgroup approved text for outstanding paragraphs 59bis (community based production of housing), 64 (infrastructure at the community level), and 65 (Government action to safeguard health and provide infrastructure). They also approved text drafted Tuesday evening for paragraphs 109-113.

SECTION C. (Sustainable human settlements development in an urbanizing world) (paragraphs 100-128): In 115 (strengthen urban economies), the US proposed action by governments "in consultation with all relevant stakeholders." Norway proposed adding "including women." The EU proposed removing "relevant" instead and delegates agreed. In 115(a) (training in information systems), delegates called for education and job training (US). Delegates revised 115(c) (private sector participation) to call for review of the relevant regulatory framework to attract private investment (US), and added US-proposed subparagraphs calling for crime prevention and sound financial practices. Libya proposed calling for promotion of necessary legislative issues.

In 116 (alleviate adverse impacts of structural and economic transition), delegates added subparagraphs calling for: integrated functioning of housing markets; and review of the impact of structural adjustment on social development by paying attention to gender-sensitive assessments (EU). The Women's Caucus called for "training and employment of local residents, especially women," but the EU suggested it would be better placed in 114 (opportunities for small businesses), which will be negotiated in Istanbul.

In 117 (population in rural settlements), delegates added text noting that "rural settlements need to be valued and supported" (US), and that the lack of employment opportunities in rural areas increases migration and results in a loss of human capacity in rural communities (Holy See). In 118 (rural populations and food security), delegates noted the contribution of rural populations to the sustainable use of biological resources.

In 119 (sustainable development of rural settlements), delegates added the goal of reducing rural-to-urban migration. In 119(a) (participation of communities), delegates called for participation of all stakeholders to ensure integrated consideration of the environmental, social and economic objectives of rural development efforts (US). In 119(c) (incentives for investment), delegates also called for infrastructure and services for investment (FAO). Delegates added two subparagraphs calling for a sustainable agricultural system (FAO) and promotion of education and training in rural areas (Holy See).

In 120 (new technologies), delegates called for promotion of appropriate traditional practices as well as new technologies (US) and for involvement of the private sector. In 120(b) (research on use of technologies), delegates called for action in cooperation with farmers' organizations, "women's groups and other stakeholders" (US). In 121(a) (procedures for full participation), delegates added a call for education and training programmes. The EU suggested that actions in 121(c) (implement regional and rural development plans) and 121(d) (establish system for resource allocation) be consistent with sustainable development, which was bracketed. Norway noted that a reference in 121(d) to allocation based on "economic potential" might exclude women, and the reference was deleted.

Delegates added a new 101(d)bis, calling for countries, in particular developing countries, to cooperate in exchanging knowledge in phasing out lead gasoline, including the use of biomass ethanol. New drafts of 38 (globalization of the economy) and 38bis (new communications technology) were circulated, but the G-77/China requested time to consider the text. The group continued negotiations during an evening session.

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