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SECTION C. (Sustainable human settlements development in an urbanizing world) (paragraphs 76-99): Reformulations of 98 (integrated approach to provision of environmental services) and 98bis (promotion of healthy environment to support sustainable human settlements) were placed in brackets. A G-77/China-proposed 98bis (water) was also bracketed.

In the bracketed chapeau 99 (transboundary pollution and movement of hazardous technology), the G-77/China proposed a reformulation, stating that technologies hazardous to the environment represent a serious threat to the viability of human settlements and health. The US said it was a delicate paragraph. Delegates agreed on language from the Rio declaration calling on Governments to "cooperate in developing" "bilateral and multilateral" (US) legal mechanisms. The EU and US deleted reference to parent company decisions which lead to adverse effects and the EU inserted a sentence on preventive measures in cases of clear risk of major environmental accidents with transboundary effects.

Mexico introduced 99bis (prevention of transboundary pollution), on cooperating to develop mechanisms for assessing the impact of proposed activities likely to have a significant adverse impact including evaluation of comments from potentially affected countries, prior and timely notification, exchange of information, consultation, and mitigation of potential adverse effects, taking into account existing international agreements "and instruments" (Canada/US). The G-77/China proposed "projects and activities" likely to have a "gravely hazardous" impact. All options were bracketed.

Brackets were placed around a Canadian-proposed new section 92bis (population and sustainable development) which was referred from another subgroup.