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ENB:11:24 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Subgroup considered text drafted by an informal group Wednesday evening (112-128) as well as outstanding text during morning and afternoon sessions. On 38 (globalization of the economy) and 38bis (new communications technology), the G-77/China stated that they were unable to accept the redrafted proposals of the EU and the US and requested that the original text for 38 be bracketed. In 124 (natural and human-made disasters), Cuba objected to the reference stating that reconstruction processes following armed conflicts "may necessitate international involvement." Croatia and Burundi, among others, supported the reference. Delegates added "at the request of the government of the concerned country."

In 125 (disaster response systems), Norway noted that women and children are the most affected in disaster and need to be involved in all stages of disaster management. The EU noted that the text called for coordination with all community groups and objected to starting a list. Delegates accepted a Holy See proposal: "women and children are the most affected in situations of disaster and their needs should be considered in all stages of disaster management and women's active involvement in disaster planning and management should be encouraged."

On 48 (enabling shelter policies), which had been deferred pending the results of the group on the "right to housing," delegates agreed to text drafted by the informal group for 48 and 48bis (decentralize shelter policies). The US asked to bracket its proposed 48ter (policies Governments should adopt to ensure progress toward realizing adequate standard of living) to ensure consideration in Istanbul. Proposed text for 13 (reaffirm UN Charter and additional Covenants), 24 (improve living and working conditions), and 44 (right to adequate housing) was presented during the morning, but delegates were informed that informal consultations were continuing on the bracketed text ("right to adequate housing").

Delegates reviewed 55 (access to land and legal security), 51(b) (sustainable development in housing policies), and 51(b)bis (access for persons with disabilities). In 55, delegates added a bracketed reference recognizing different forms of land tenure (Mexico). In 51(b), delegates bracketed proposals for "sustainable development" (EU) and "sustained economic growth" (G-77/China). Text similar to 51(b)bis had been agreed in another paragraph and was agreed.

The Subgroup agreed to text for 114 (improve opportunities for small businesses), which added: a call for promotion of the ILO convention on the right to organize and bargain collectively; a call for programmes to support enterprises, "particularly those developed and utilized by women" (US); and a subparagraph calling for training.

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