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The third session of the PrepCom met at UN Headquarters in New York from 5-16 February 1996. Organizational questions included: participation of NGOs and the implementation of Rule 61 to facilitate input from local authorities, and financial resources. Negotiations began on the draft Statement of Principles and Commitments and the GPA. Key debates included the “right to housing” and the role of UNCHS in Habitat follow-up. A heavily bracketed text went forward to Istanbul, in part due to time constraints.

Working Group I, chaired by Pamela Mboya (Kenya), discussed funding for Habitat II, the “Best Practices” initiative, and parallel fora in Istanbul. Australia proposed that participants in Habitat II commit to action by 2000.

Working Group II, chaired by Amb. H. L. de Silva (Sri Lanka), formed three sub-groups to consider the draft Statement of Principles and Commitments and the GPA. Subgroup A considered the Preamble and NGO participation, and allocated problematic texts on sustainable development and financial resources and the right to housing to informal groups. Subgroups B and C considered the GPA introduction, adequate shelter, sustainable human settlements and capacity building.