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ENB:11:28 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Working Group I began negotiating the Preamble. The brackets in paragraph 1 (introduction to Preamble) were removed. Although 2 (purpose of Habitat II) contained no brackets, the SUDAN, on behalf of the Arab Countries Group, added text regarding spiritual and cultural values. The G/77-CHINA, supported by the EU, BRAZIL and ROMANIA, requested that the Chair set the precedent to prohibit re-opening of agreed text. The Sudan’s text was bracketed.

In 2 bis (adequate shelter), the US, supported by JAPAN, objected to removing the brackets from “the right to adequate housing.” The G-77/CHINA called for the removal of the brackets. NORWAY, supported by ROMANIA, the EU and the HOLY SEE, said the issue is too sensitive to be resolved now. The paragraph was adopted with the brackets and delegates agreed to enter into consultations regarding the language. In 2 ter (sustainable development of human settlements),CANADA stated that it would accept bracketed text, which notes that accountable governance is indispensable, if “respect for human rights” were added. The US added language regarding effective participation by NGOs. The Chair recommended that the groups proposing amendments form a small working group to harmonize their ideas into one proposal.

In 3 (global approach), the US wanted the language regarding consumption and production to reflect the importance of efforts by all actors. The G-77/CHINA added a reference to assistance from developed to developing countries. The US suggested that another working group meet to discuss 3. In 4 (previous UN conferences), G-77/CHINA added the 1994 Conference on Natural Disasters. Paragraph 5 (history of urbanization) was approved.

In 6 (challenges facing cities), delegates agreed to remove the “particular” needs of international migrants from brackets. Paragraphs 7 (globalization and interdependence) and 8 (urban-rural linkage) were adopted. Paragraph 9 (entitlement to adequate standard of living) will be addressed once the issue of a right to housing is resolved. Paragraph 9 bis (displaced persons) was adopted. In 9 ter (needs of children and youth), delegates debated a bracketed reference to recognition of “the rights, duties and responsibilities of parents and other persons legally responsible for children, consistent with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.” The G-77/CHINA, the HOLY SEE and the US said it is agreed UN language. NORWAY suggested moving the bracketed language and introducing a reference to the living environment. The paragraph was adopted with brackets.

In 9quinquiens (women and sustainable settlements), the G-77/CHINA suggested removing a bracketed reference to “gender discrimination” and replacing it with “discrimination against women.”

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