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ENB:11:29 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]



In 9quinquiens (women and sustainable development), the US and CANADA strongly recommended retention of “gender discrimination.” The G- 77/CHINA conceded. CANADA and the US proposed a new 9ses regarding older and disabled persons.

In 10 (enabling and partnerships), CANADA replaced “and” with “in particular” for people living in poverty. The CHAIR proposed to replace “members of” with “those belonging to” vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. The G-77/CHINA, supported by the ARAB COUNTRIES GROUP, proposed removing the brackets around 10bis (economic growth and sustainable development). The EU, supported by the US, proposed deleting language regarding the roots of human settlements problems and deleting “sustained economic growth.” The US added “national” to international frameworks. NORWAY added “inequitable distribution of power.” NGOs (Women’s Caucus) proposed “inequitable distribution of power and resources.” Groups proposing additions convened later to merge their proposals.

Delegates sent Paragraph 11 (international institutional arrangements) to Working Group II.


Paragraph 13 (guided by the UN Charter) was deferred pending discussion by the Drafting Group on a “right to housing.” In 14 (equitable human settlements), delegates removed the reference to “the right to inheritance” from brackets after the CHAIR indicated that it came from the Beijing Platform For Action.

In 16 (sustainable development), the US and CANADA drew attention to relevant language from Principle 6 of the Rio Declaration. Delegates agreed to a reformulation by the CHAIR indicating that sustainable development gives full consideration to the needs and necessities of achieving economic growth, social development and environmental protection and calling for special consideration to be “given to the specific situation and needs of developing countries and, as appropriate, of the countries with economies in transition.” MEXICO replaced “protection and sustainable use” with “maintenance” of biodiversity in the final sentence, to which the US added “conservation” and CANADA added a reference to forests. The CHAIR deferred this sentence for further consultation.

In 17 (design and management of settlements), bracketed language regarding preservation of historical structures was reformulated with contributions by NORWAY, CANADA, the US, the EU and the G-77/CHINA to read “preservation of natural heritage and historical human settlements, including sites, monuments and buildings, particularly those protected under the World Heritage Convention, should be assisted, including through international cooperation.”

In 18 (family), the G-77/CHINA wanted to delete the bracketed reference to “various forms of the family exist.” The EU, supported by NORWAY and BRAZIL, said the reference is the agreed language of the WSSD and other UN conferences. The CHAIR requested informal consultations and said a vote is likely given the strong feelings. MALTA said reopening this issue could derail the entire conference. BRAZIL said there is no common G-77/CHINA position.

The first sentence of 21 (solidarity) was reformulated to read: “solidarity with those belonging to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, including people living in poverty.” Paragraphs 22 and 22bis (international cooperation) were deferred to Working Group II. The US, supported by CANADA, proposed a principle to address education and health care. NGOs recommended inclusion of a principle that emphasizes environmental health. The Group postponed negotiation of Chapter III (Commitments) and commenced consideration of Chapter IV (GPA).


A. Introduction: The G-77/CHINA suggested that discussion on 38 (globalization) be re-opened. GUATEMALA added language on the disintegration of the family. The EU added reference to human rights violations. An informal group was formed. Delegates expressed concern regarding the proliferation of small working groups.

In 39 (local participation), the G-77/CHINA noted that “stakeholders” did not translate well into Spanish and French and sought a substitute, but the US and CANADA opposed changing the term.

In 42 (enablement), the G-77/CHINA substituted bracketed text (“sustainable development, including sustained growth”) with “sustained economic growth and sustainable development.” NORWAY, supported by the US, CANADA and NEW ZEALAND, proposed: “sustainable economic growth in the context of sustainable development.” The EU proposed “sustainable development.”

B. Adequate shelter for all: In 51(b) (sustained economic growth and sustainable development principles), the EU, supported by the G-77/CHINA, proposed deleting the brackets from the entire paragraph but the US opposed.

In 54(e) (women’s access to resources), the G-77/CHINA added a reference to undertaking legislative reform. Delegates agreed to use related text on administrative and legislative reform from the Beijing Platform for Action. In 54(e)bis (community-based production of housing), TURKEY wanted a reference to encouraging self-built housing in “authorized ways.” The US said existing language did not condone illegal settlements. MOROCCO proposed a new subparagraph 54(g) on the control of spontaneous human settlements involving unsanitary, unregulated housing through integrated habitat programs that are preventive.

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