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The G-77/CHINA reformulated 90(c)bis (women’s participation) with EU amendments. The paragraph promotes changes in attitudes, structures, policies, laws and other practices relating to gender to eliminate obstacles to human dignity and equality and promote full participation. In 90(f)bis (awareness of issues facing displaced women), CANADA’s inclusion of migrants, other displaced women in need of international protection and internally displaced women was accepted with the G- 77/CHINA’s addition of women living in poverty. Delegates debated inclusion of international assistance and support to these categories of women, and the G-77/CHINA proposed a new bullet to the section on international cooperation to address this concern.

In 91(a)bis (human rights and education), the US introduced subparagraphs from informal consultations calling for awareness and education to mitigate crime and violence and strengthen society and (a)ter on crime prevention through social development.

In 92bis (new title: Population and sustainable human settlements development), CANADA reported agreed text from informal consultations. Further negotiations are to be conducted on 92(c) (information campaigns) and 96(d)bis (health-care services for women) in the Drafting Group of Working Group I.

The US reported agreement on the TURKEY-proposed 95quinquien (livability of built environment). In 98(aa) (integrated approach principles), "precautionary approach" was accepted and "ecological footprint" was deleted.

In 126bis (effects of nuclear-weapons testing), the US maintained that Habitat II is an inappropriate forum for discussion of this issue, and recommended deletion. NEW ZEALAND, the HOLY SEE, AUSTRALIA, IRAN and the PHILIPPINES noted that nuclear weapons testing has considerable impact on human settlements and is relevant to Habitat. The brackets were retained while governments consulted with their capitals. SWITZERLAND’s proposal for a new 128(m), regarding Red Cross assistance to victims of armed conflict, was accepted.

The US introduced new text regarding lead: 95bisbis (effects of exposure and availability of alternatives); 97(i)bis (safe management); 97(i)ter (elimination of lead in gasoline). Delegates accepted CANADA’s new 90quart regarding indigenous people.

CHAPTER III (Commitments)

The Chair introduced his draft with suggestions for reconciling the original text of the Habitat Agenda with proposals received for Chapter III. The G-77/CHINA, supported by the HOLY SEE, reinserted an introductory chapeau (Charter of the UN) similar to the introduction to the Cairo Plan of Action. The US added reference to human rights and fundamental freedoms. The EU, supported by the US, preferred language modeled on Beijing and Copenhagen on the duty of states to protect all human rights and freedoms and the implementation of the Habitat Agenda in conformity with the UN Charter and through national laws.

In 23 (implementing Habitat Agenda), the EU proposed reference to implementation through "local" plans of action. The G-77/CHINA inserted a reference to harmony with cultural background and spiritual values. The US proposed reinserting 23bis (special attention to homeless). The EU preferred to wait for related decisions from a Drafting Group.

In 25 (commitments), the G-77/CHINA added "within the national legal authority" to the chapeau but the EU objected. Supported by NORWAY, AUSTRALIA and CANADA, the EU asked for the restoration of (a)bis on equal access to resources and equal right to inheritance and suggested integrating this into (b). QATAR objected to "equal right of inheritance." IRAN preferred language from Beijing (FWCW). In (d), CANADA added "optimal use" of local human resources and the G-77/CHINA added "particularly in developing countries." The HOLY SEE introduced (g)bis on shelter and the family. CANADA, supported by the EU, preferred "families" and amended the HOLY SEE’s proposal with a reference to recognition of their "important" contribution to social integration. NORWAY added families "in their various forms." In (h), the PHILIPPINES proposed substituting "migrant workers" for "legal migrants," but the US objected. CANADA deleted "in their traditional habitat" from a reference to indigenous people, and added "facilities for education and health" to basic services. In (k), the US and CANADA, supported by AUSTRALIA, added "legal traditional" land rights of indigenous people. Negotiations continued during the evening. The CHAIR announced the appointment of Ayse Ogut (TURKEY) as Rapporteur of Committee I.

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