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ENB:11:35 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The US reported it had received clearance to accept 126bis (nuclear testing). In 27(j) (housing as work place), the US proposed a reformulation, amended by the EU: "Developing houses that can serve as a functional work place for men and women."

In 2 (purpose of Habitat II), bracketed references to cultural heritage and spiritual and cultural values, and to protection of all human rights regardless of political or cultural particularities were agreed in the informal drafting group, but the EU opposed and the entire paragraph remained in brackets.

In 10bis (human settlements problems), the phrase regarding poverty, underdevelopment and resource scarcity was deleted. The G-77/CHINA replaced the bracketed reference to sustained economic growth and sustainable development with "economic development, social development and environmental protection." The EU accepted but included the full reference from WSSD that adds "which are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development." The US accepted this amendment and added "national" to "favorable international frameworks."

Brackets were removed from 13 (goals and principles) except from the list of factors that "are destructive to sustainable human settlements development and should therefore be renounced by all States." The US suggested deletion, but it remains in brackets.

The Drafting Group’s amendments to 16 (sustainable development) were accepted. "Social development and environmental protection" were added to economic growth, and "conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of its components" replaced "maintenance of biodiversity." In 18 (the family), brackets were removed from "various forms of the family" and additional language from ICPD was added: "Marriage must be entered into with the free consent of the intending spouses, and husband and wife should be equal partners." Family "reunification" was also unbracketed, and the paragraph was approved.

Chapter III (Commitments)

On 22ter (health), the Drafting Group reported it could not achieve consensus on the reference to reproductive health care and deferred it to an informal informal drafting group, but no solution was possible and the group had dissolved. The HOLY SEE, supported by SAUDI ARABIA, requested that the reference to reproductive health care be bracketed. The US and the EU agreed to accept the "compromise" formulation presented by CANADA, which did not include a reference to family planning and sexual health. IRAN, supported by EGYPT, replaced "gender" with "sex," but BRAZIL objected. GUATEMALA noted that "health care services" should not be specified but all-inclusive, and the HOLY SEE proposed "universal access to the widest range of health care services" from WSSD. The G-77/CHINA preferred to delete the reference but stated it would accept the ICPD formulation, which added "including reproductive health care services" to the WSSD formulation. The US stated it would agree to delete the reference if consensus emerged. No agreement was reached and the reference was bracketed.

In chapeau 25 (commitments), the G-77/CHINA linked acceptance of "within the national legal authority" to agreement on the Chapter chapeau. In 25(g) (discrimination in access to shelter), the US suggested an alternative reformulation to reference discrimination on grounds of disability and age. In 25(g)bis (the family), CANADA and NORWAY supported an EU reference to "helping families in their" supporting roles. The G-77/CHINA opposed. In 25(h) (displaced persons), CANADA said it had clearance to accept a G-77/CHINA proposal to delete references to "other displaced persons" and "in need of international protection." The word "internal" was added before displaced persons. CANADA insisted on "documented migrants" from ICPD. The PHILIPPINES said "legal" migrant workers do not need international protection, but later agreed to unbracket the text with the replacement of "documented" for "legal" migrants.

The US said 27(a) (land confiscation and occupation) should be discussed with related parts of the Habitat Agenda. In 27(a)ses, CANADA reported an informally agreed reformulation: "Implementing the social and development goals already agreed to by the international community in the areas of basic education, primary health care and gender equality." In 27(d) (polluting transportation), the US agreed to new language on promoting measures so that the polluter bears the cost of pollution. SAUDI ARABIA added measures "as appropriate." The US suggested negotiating 27(f)bis (cities under occupation) together with related sections of the Agenda. In 27(h) (structural adjustment), the G-77/CHINA agreed to remove the brackets from "gender-sensitive social impact assessments and other relevant methods." Subparagraph (j)bis (disabilities) was deleted.

In 30 (Habitat implementation), the US reintroduced a proposal referring to mobilization of "additional financial resources from various sources." In 31(d) (enabling markets), the US added: "promote socially and environmentally responsible corporate investment and re-investment" and "other partnerships." A CANADA/US/AUSTRALIA addition to 34 (integrated approach), stating that disaggregated indicators are essential for monitoring and evaluating progress, was accepted. In 38<M>, the EU added "violations of human rights" to "intolerance and violence." The Group continued negotiations during a night session.

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