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ENB:11:35 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


F. Implementation and follow-up: The Working Group approved text that was drafted early Wednesday morning. A new 170ter invites the GA and ECOSOC to review and strengthen the mandate of the Commission, taking into account the Habitat Agenda. Paragraph 170quart notes that the Commission should have a central role in monitoring UN system implementation and should have a clear mandate with sufficient resources. Paragraph 170quins states that the Commission should assist ECOSOC in its coordination of the reporting on implementation of the Habitat Agenda. In 170sextius, the Commission is called on to consider how to integrate Habitat II follow-up into its work programme. A new 172bis notes that the primary function of the Centre is to provide substantive servicing to the Commission and other relevant intergovernmental bodies and should be designated a focal point for implementation. The Secretary-General is requested to ensure more effective functioning by, inter alia, providing sufficient human and financial resources within the regular budget of the UN. An informal group was established to harmonize text on the Commission and Centre with these paragraphs.

The EU, supported by the US and NORWAY, replaced the reference in 180(b) (Bretton Woods institutions) to "sustained economic growth" with "sustainable development." The G-77/CHINA (INDIA) objected, but agreed to the EU proposal for structural adjustment programmes to promote "sustainable human settlements development." Subparagraph 180(d) (WTO) was deleted at the G-77/CHINA’s request.

The G-77/CHINA proposed 180bis and 180ter (involvement of civil society, including the private sector). The EU proposed adding local authorities to the title and to a list of actors to be strengthened. He also proposed deleting reference to the Istanbul Declaration and language from the WSSD, and including a reference to human rights and social integration. The G-77/CHINA asked if human rights were not adequately covered in the Agenda. The US supported mentioning human rights. The language from WSSD was included with amendments.

In 181 (indicators, best practices and performance evaluation), the EU proposed retaining the existing text, but noted that the Centre will "be responsible," rather than "establish a process," for analyzing and monitoring policies. The US proposed that "age and gender disaggregated" information be included in the analyses. The paragraph was accepted as amended.

In 182 (monitor and evaluate), the EU, supported by CANADA, deleted the reference to indicator guidelines provided by the Centre, but the G-77/CHINA objected. The EU suggested that the Centre’s responsibilities will include providing guidelines.

In 183 (disseminate best practices and develop indicators), the EU identified key areas for indicators, to which AUSTRALIA added water supply and sanitation. NORWAY added indicators "that reflect the rights and well-being of children." HUNGARY suggested that the indicators be augmented by policy oriented national and sub-regional indicators. The G-77/CHINA specified that indicators be used "by governments."

Delegates then considered earlier paragraphs related to Sections E and F of the text. In 11 (differences between regions), the G-77/CHINA proposed "strengthening" the Commission and "revitalizing" the Centre as focal points. The US proposed reference to the "reallocation" of resources. In 22 (increased flow of resources), MEXICO submitted an additional sentence: these flows should be accompanied by collective commitments and concrete measures on technical cooperation, training programmes and information exchange. Delegates bracketed the proposal pending the resolution of Section E (international cooperation).

In 131(l) (information networks), the G-77/CHINA added a reference to technology transfer. The US requested that the Secretariat provide Working Group I's results regarding the chapeau.

Delegates disagreed on an informal group’s results on 146 (enabling international context). AUSTRALIA proposed earlier that durable "solutions" to, inter alia, external debt and development finance, should be changed to "actions on" these issues. The G-77/CHINA preferred retaining "solutions." The EU noted proposed language from 90(b) of WSSD, which refers to debt, but the G-77/CHINA, TANZANIA and NIGERIA objected. The G-77/CHINA proposed "positive actions." The US objected to altering the WSSD text that deals with debt. The disputed text remained bracketed. The Group continued during a night session.

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