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ENB:11:36 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Committee II met during the morning to consider its report. The report, as contained in A/CONF.165/L.5 and Add. 1-9, contains Chairperson's summaries of each of the hearings held in Committee II during the course of Habitat II. The Chair, Martti Lujanen (Finland), also presented a Preamble of the Chairperson's Summary Report. The Preamble states that the Partner's Committee was the most exciting feature of Habitat II. It notes that, although NGOs were accustomed to assembling at previous conferences, many other partners assembled for the first time at a UN conference. A significant outcome of the hearings was the determination of partners to contribute to the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. In addition to the new relationship with the UN, the partners recognized the need to support other partners.

A number of delegates suggested additional issues from the discussions for inclusion in the reports. The Chair stressed that the texts were summaries. The texts and Preamble were adopted and sent to the Plenary.