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Working Group II addressed maintenance of interim arrangements and guidance to the financial mechanism, reporting by non-Annex I Parties, modalities and technology transfer.

AGENDA ITEM 8(b) " MAINTENANCE OF INTERIM ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL MECHANISM: Delegates adopted A/AC.237/WG.II/L.9, a draft decision submitted by the Co-Chairs to maintain interim arrangements with the GEF.

AGENDA ITEM 8(a)(i) " GUIDANCE TO THE FINANCIAL MECHANISM: The Contact Group completed its negotiations on the first four paragraphs of A/AC.237/Misc.41 on Monday. The text was approved.

COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION FROM NON-ANNEX I PARTIES: Delegates then discussed the G-77/China paper on communication of information by non-Annex I Parties (A/AC.247/Misc.40). France, on behalf of the EU, proposed that the Interim Secretariat, in cooperation with the GEF Secretariat and interested non-Annex I Parties, draw up guidelines for national communications by developing countries to be endorsed at COP-1. The G-77 and China said that there are varying capabilities among developing countries and that it would be difficult to subject them to a format. Germany suggested that provisional guidelines could be adopted to guarantee comparability, with longer term guidelines to be adopted at COP-2. Algeria said that many developing countries need strengthened capacities to gather statistics. The Chair noted that adoption of the guidelines at COP-1 is too early, however, developing country Parties have to submit communications within three years of entry into force. Zaire has been gathering information but needs a model for guidance. India suggested renewing the developing countries" commitment to develop a guidelines after COP-1. South Africa agreed with the UK that countries should distribute a proposed national policy so that the COP could work with it.

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: The Co-Chair then invited comments on A/AC.237/Misc.41. The G-77, supported by China, Colombia and Algeria, stated that the idea is to enable developing countries, not to provide technology alone. Colombia commented that this issue was a problem for other conventions, none of which have agreed on the means of implementation. China suggested that the Secretariat develop an inventory of technology transferable at no cost, and Algeria requested that the Secretariat develop practical means for implementing technology transfer for COP-1. The EU stated that institutional capacity building in developing countries is crucial, and that technology transfer efforts should concentrate on industry, agriculture and transport sectors. WWF stressed that new initiatives should not substitute for action in the industrialized countries and the need for clear strategies.

AGENDA ITEM 8(a)(ii) " MODALITIES: The Co-Chair invited comment on documents A/AC.237/87 and A/AC.237/WG.II/L.10, the draft decision requesting the GEF Secretariat and Convention Secretariat to draft an arrangement. The G-77 and China stated a preference for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and proposed an amendment for paragraph 25 on amounts of funding. The Co-Chair suggested inserting the phrase "taking into account comments made by the G-77" into the final draft paragraph.

AGENDA ITEM 9 " PROVISION TO DEVELOPING COUNTRY PARTIES OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT: The Co-Chair opened the floor for comments on A/AC.237/90 and the addenda on the Climate Convention cooperation programme (CC:COPE), the joint training programme (CC:TRAIN) and the Climate Change information exchange programme (CC:INFO). France, on behalf of the EU, suggested that UNEP and UNITAR administer and fund the programmes with oversight by the Secretariat. UNEP commented it could not fund these programmes under its current budget. The Philippines, on behalf of the G-77, stressed the importance of these programmes in the success of the Convention. Lithuania commented on the success of CC:TRAIN in helping prepare its national communication and for promoting ratification. The US requested detailed documentation of programme spending and accomplishments.

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