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ENB:12:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


INC-7 was held in New York from 15-20 March 1993. Delegates began to discuss matters relating to the implementation of Article 11 (Financial mechanism), as well as the interim arrangements provided under Article 21.3. The INC decided to focus on matters related to the functional linkages between the COP and the operating entity or entities of the financial mechanism and considered the provision of guidance to the financial mechanism on policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria. Working Group II members were requested to submit proposals on these subjects at INC-8. The INC also considered it important that the ongoing replenishment of the GEF for the period 1994-1996 take full account of the Convention's needs. The Executive Secretary proposed a joint project with UNEP to establish an information exchange system that would be a first step in support of Article 12.7 (provision of technical and financial support to developing country Parties in compiling and communicating information). INC-7 decided that Working Group I should start consideration of matters relating to methodologies for calculations/inventories of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases; criteria for joint implementation; and first review of information communicated by Annex I Parties at INC-8.