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ENB:12:23 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Mr. Mohamed M. Ould El Ghaouth (Mauritania), noted that this first meeting of the SBI (SBI 1) would be operational and not deliberative. He restricted his introduction so that SBI could begin work. The Executive Secretary, Mr. Michael Zammit-Cutajar, noted that the schedule would impose constant pressure on the SBI and reminded delegates that SBI 1 was purely organizational and would address difficult issues such as the financial mechanism at later sessions. The Chair circulated a revised schedule of work for the SBI, which included the following: communications from Annex I Parties: progress report on in-depth review; institutional and budgetary matters; matters relating to the financial mechanism; and the elaboration and scheduling of the programme of work, 1996-1997.