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The second session of the AGBM was held in Geneva from 30 October - 3 November 1995. Debate over the extent of analysis and assessment continued, but delegates also heard new ideas for the structure and form of a possible protocol. During the week-long meeting, delegates considered: strengthening of commitments in Article 4.2 (a) and (b), regarding policies and measures, as well as quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives within specified time-frames; advancing the implementation Article 4.1; and possible features of a protocol or other legal instrument.

During the meeting, Spain, on behalf of the European Union, submitted an outline for a protocol or legal instrument. The outline did not include proposals on policies, measures, objectives or time-frames, but was organized on three principles: consistency with prior AGBM discussions; creating a dynamic instrument that can develop over time; and linking measures to existing Convention provisions where they apply. The outline includes six articles: commitments by developed and other Annex I Parties, including a section on voluntary application by non-Annex I Parties; commitments by all Parties; review of commitments; cross-references to FCCC articles; amendment procedures, including simplified procedures for annexes; and final clauses. It would include three annexes of policies and measures: those applicable to all Annex I Parties; those agreed as high priority in national programmes; and those to be considered in national programmes, as appropriate. While delegates did not decide to adopt this outline, they did agree that it merits further consideration. (See Earth Negotiations Bulletin Vol. 12 No. 24.)