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ENB:12:31 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 met in the morning to discuss a multilateral consultative process (MCP). Under Agenda item 3 (election of officers other than the Chair), the Chair explained that the COP President is involved in discussions to agree on a balanced list for subsidiary bodies. Under item 4(a) (panel summary), the Chair recommended that his report on a panel presentation become an annex to the Session report. The US noted that elements are not listed in order of priority. Under item 4(b) (synthesis), participants adopted a synthesis of responses to a questionnaire on establishing a MCP under Article 13 (FCCC/AG13/1996/1) to be considered at the Group’s December session. The EU regretted that substantive discussions will be postponed until then. He recommended a draft decision extending the AG-13 mandate to COP-3 and a role in examining ways to apply a MCP to a protocol in cooperation with AGBM. Under item 4(c) (draft decisions), the Chair recommended draft decisions on the continuation of AG- 13 and inviting the Group to report to COP-3. The Chair accepted a Saudi Arabia proposal to replace a reference to the possible design of a MCP with one on reporting to the COP as instructed.

The meeting then considered the Chair’s draft text on linkages between AG-13 and AGBM. The text stated that AGBM should take into account advice on a MCP, from AG- 13, if it decides that such a process should apply to a “protocol”. Several delegations objected that referring to both a protocol and a MCP as part of this protocol prejudged the work of AGBM. Some delegations stated that other subsidiary bodies should be encouraged as well, though not required, to consult with AG-13 should they identify a need for a MCP. Final wording of a redrafted text, as amended by SOUTH AFRICA and the US, removes all reference to a protocol and asks the COP to decide that the AGBM may, in its consideration of a MCP, seek such advice as may be deemed necessary from AG-13.