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ENB:13:03 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


CSD Chair Henrique Brandao Cavalcanti (Brazil) opened the first session of the IPF by recalling the main points of the Statement of Forest Principles adopted at the Earth Summit in 1992, and by reminding delegates of the importance of increasing forest coverage in both developed and developing countries. He added that the IPF will not only note the present status of forests, but will investigate the causes of difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of sustainable management and conservation. He urged the IPF to draw upon the experience of NGOs as well as the business and scientific communities.

Under-Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development Nitin Desai stated that the history of these discussions has been difficult and contentious because countries' perspectives on the problem vary according to their levels of forest coverage and consumption of forest products. He said that different groups emphasize different global aspects of forests, such as their potential as biodiversity storehouses and reservoir sinks for greenhouse gases. Any attempt at a global consensus must consider all perspectives. He said that IPF discussions must be guided by elements specific to this issue including: a focus on long-term, intergenerational activities; a concern for sustainable development, which involves meeting human needs, along with conservation; and a cross-sectoral approach that goes beyond on forest management.