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ENB:13:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


JAPAN emphasized the role of IPF, which encompasses SFM, and requested a study of traditional knowledge (TK) related to forest management. SWITZERLAND highlighted IPF's role in helping indigenous populations, emphasizing GEF and bilateral aid for funding relevant projects. AUSTRALIA stated that IPF should not duplicate CBD, WTO or FAO, but should focus on TK related to SFM and draw upon CBD COP-3. He did not support new and additional funding.

NORWAY supported technical, technological and scientific advice on TK, and recognized linkages with CBD and GATT. UKRAINE called attention to local communities, modern science, and policy making, and called for local participation. The NETHERLANDS emphasized the cross-sectoral scope of TK, and indigenous participation in national forest planning.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA stated that IPF should examine the role of indigenous communities holistically, rather than on a piecemeal basis. MEXICO highlighted integrating local communities into sectoral planning, and mechanisms to protect IPR of communities.