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ENB:13:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


JAPAN said the conclusions should not refer to desertification and drought in boreal forests, nor should they address actions already covered by the CCD. The Critical Loads approach is important, but should only be adopted where appropriate. AUSTRALIA suggested amending references to actions “in agreement with” existing international agreements to actions “consistent with.” The US noted that: the work of other conventions should compliment the work of the IPF; research could take place through participation in the Committee on Science and Technology of CCD; references to combating desertification and drought should also mention mitigation; and degradation, rather than desertification, effects northern boreal forests. CANADA supported changing “stakeholders” to “interested parties” and referred to the Forest Principles. MEXICO called for consistency with the CCD and noted that an integrated approach should also include consumption and production.

BRAZIL said the list of underlying causes of desertification should include external debt and trade imbalance and called for more flexible language regarding sustainable development strategies. He suggested that: developed as well as developing countries should monitor experience; the conclusions should refer to Agenda 21 and the Forest Principles; and the “preventative approach” should be clarified. SWEDEN proposed a sentence stating that air-borne pollution causing acidification is an external factor that cannot be influenced by the forest sector.

FAO said the reference regarding sustainable development strategies should be deleted as it conflicts with a similar reference made in programme element I.1. The adoption of too many plans can lead to ambiguities. ECUADOR stated that the report should be amended to reflect that desertification can occur in all soil-poor areas, including humid and semi- humid zones.