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ENB:13:13 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The GLOBAL FOREST POLICY PROJECT said the Panel should encourage development and implementation of valuation methodologies. There is no evidence that methodologies are too complex, expensive or beyond the understanding of stakeholders. IPF should identify responsible parties, means and timetables for development of methodologies before IPF-4. Supported by the US, he said the report should not qualify participation of indigenous people in research “where appropriate.” NGOs should be listed as participants. The G-77/CHINA noted that valuation exercises should not be at the expense of more pressing needs, including data system development and mechanisms to make SFM a politically feasible objective. The EU said multidisciplinarity should be a valuation criterion. A paragraph on forest valuation in national accounts should call for promoting research on policy issues, including national accounts. The US said research on global dimensions of climate change and biodiversity should replace a reference to trade in forest goods and services. INDONESIA said that forest valuation methods should entail scientific evaluation and address non-quantifiable forest services.