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International Conference on Certfication and Labeling of Products from Sustainably Managed Forests: Australia will sponsor this conference from 26-31 May 1996 in Brisbane. The conference intends to advance international dialogue on the issue of certification and labeling as a means for achieving sustainable forest management and will contribute to the IPF through agreed, non-binding "options for actions." For more information, contact: Conference Logistics, tel: +61 6 281 6624; fax: +61 6 285 1336.

Certification of Forest Products and International Trade: Germany and Indonesia will host a joint expert working group meeting from 12-16 August 1996 in Bonn. The group will address the impact of certification and labeling on trade, market access and the achievement of sustainable forest management. For more information contact: Hagen Frost, German Federal Ministry of Economics, tel: +49-228-615 3947, fax: +49-228-615 3993; Rainald Roesch, Mission of Germany to the UN, tel: +1-212-856-6295, fax: +1-212-856-6280; or Dr. Untung Iskandar, Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, tel: +21-5701114, 5730680, fax: +21-5738732, 5700226.

Implementing the Forest Principles: Promotion of National Forest and Land Use Programmes: Germany will sponsor this international experts consultation from 16-22 June 1996. It will focus on the integration of international and national forest-related activities into a country-specific forest programme. The consultation will produce options to be considered at IPF-3. For information, contact Christian Mersmann, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), tel: +49 6196 79 3452; fax: +49 6196 79 7333; e-mail: 101562,

Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry: This Workshop, sponsored by Denmark, South Africa and UNDP, is scheduled for 4-7 June 1996 in South Africa. It will focus on: costs, incentives and obstacles for implementing sustainable forest management; status of financial assistance for sustainable management programmes; innovate funding mechanisms; and effectiveness of funding and in-country coordination between financing institutions. For more information contact: Susan Becker, UNDP Natural Resources Management Unit, Sustainable Energy and Environment Division, fax: +1-212- 906-6973.

Long-term Trends in Supply and Demand for Wood Products and Possible Implications for Sustainable Forest Management: This ongoing activity, sponsored by Norway and managed by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and the Norwegian Forest Research Institute (NISK), is conducted by an international team of experts representing various disciplines from 1 December 1995 to 1 July 1996. The process will prepare a synthesis paper on: factors affecting long-term trends of non-industrial and industrial supply and demand for wood; main trends and prospects in non-industrial and industrial supply and demand for wood; and possible implications for sustainable forest management. The final results will be reported to IPF-3. For more information contact: Mr. Jostein Leiro, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tel: +47 2224 3608, fax: +47 2224 9580/81; Mr. Svein Aass, Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, tel: +1-212-421-0280; fax: +1-212- 688-0554; EFI, tel: +358 73 252 020; fax: +358 73 124 393; e-mail:; Internet:

Intergovernmental Seminar on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: Finland will sponsor this seminar to be held from 19-22 August 1996 in Helsinki. The Seminar will aim at promoting and encouraging national implementation of criteria and indicators and study the feasibility of their further development as well as their comparability and international compatibility. For more information, contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; ISCI Secretariat, tel: +358 0 160 2405; fax: +358 0 160 2430; e-mail:; Internet:

Experts Meeting on Rehabilitation of Forest Degraded Ecosystem: Portugal, Cape Verde and Senegal, in cooperation with the FAO, will sponsor this meeting from 24-28 June 1996 in Lisbon. The meeting will analyze afforestation, reforestation and restoration of forests, especially in countries with fragile ecosystems affected by drought or desertification. It will identify practical measures for promoting integrated strategies for sustainable forest management. For information contact: Mr. Fernando Mota, tel: +351 1 347 1411 or 347 4358; fax: +351 1 346 9512; or Miguel Jeronimo, Mission of Portugal to the UN, tel: +1-212-759-9444; fax: +1-212-355-1124.

International Experts Group Study on International Organizations, Multilateral Institutions and Instruments in The Forest Sector: Switzerland and Peru are co-sponsoring this international expert group study on the work carried out by international organizations and multilateral institutions, and under existing legal instruments related to forest issues. The first meeting took place in Geneva from 5-8 March, and the second is scheduled for July 1996. For more information contact: Livia Leu Agosti, Mission of Switzerland to the UN, tel: +1-212-421-1480; fax: +1-212-751-2104; Italo Acha, Mission of Peru to the UN, tel: +1-212-687-3367; fax: +1-212 927-6975; or Bernardo Zentilli, Coordinator, Swiss/Peruvian Initiative, tel: +41 22 749 2437; fax: +41-22-749-2454.

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