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ASSESSMENT: In the subparagraph on national C&I, the US inserted “national” forest assessment, deleted references to FAO and cultural values and inserted “including qualitative indicators.” The EU added a new subparagraph on improving national forest resource assessment (FRA) and analysis of forest statistics. UGANDA added a reference to UNEP in the subparagraph on the FAO and FRA 2000. NORWAY inserted a new subparagraph on the ecosystem approach and beginning a consultative process with indigenous people and local communities. The subparagraph on definitions was amended with an NGO insertion on formulation “in an open and transparent manner” and a US insertion of “global” forest assessment.

FOREST RESEARCH: The G-77/CHINA added the Framework Convention on Climate Change to a subparagraph calling on the CBD and CCD to research knowledge gaps and, with the US, added references to the treaties’ mandates and competence. The subparagraph was accepted with these amendments.

JAPAN, supported by CANADA and MALAYSIA, added a new subparagraph urging increased applied research.

VALUATION METHODOLOGIES: NORWAY added text taking into account environmental, socioeconomic, ethical, cultural and religious aspects as well as economic valuation in a subparagraph on improved valuation of all forest goods and services. The G-77/CHINA substituted “taking into account the particular circumstances of each country” for a similar list of values in the subparagraph on methodology development, and added erosion to a list of research areas. The G-77/CHINA amended the subparagraph on available methods and data to request a comprehensive document and deleted language specifying local through international levels. These subparagraphs and a US proposal to delete a subparagraph on legal and economic circumstances were accepted.

CRITERIA AND INDICATORS: Delegates debated the proper relationship between C&I at national and other levels in several subparagraphs. An lengthy discussion of bracketed text on “global reference criteria” as a “common denominator” drew calls for deletion from the G-77/CHINA, the US, NEW ZEALAND, BRAZIL and COLOMBIA and suggestions to retain or amend the text from CANADA, AUSTRALIA, and the EU. The bracketed text was removed and the subparagraph, drawing on commonalities in various initiatives, was accepted.

NEW ZEALAND and the G-77/CHINA added references to specific country conditions and to internationally and regionally agreed initiatives in a subparagraph encouraging national C&I. CANADA added NGO-proposed language on the use of a participatory mechanism to this and to the subparagraph on the use of C&I. In the latter subparagraph, delegates deleted text that C&I could facilitate certifying SFM and rejected AUSTRALIA and the EU’s suggestion to use “voluntary certification” after objections from the US, NEW ZEALAND, GABON and REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Delegates also altered language on cross-sectoral approaches, deleted voluntary codes and urged compatibility “at all levels.” In the subparagraph encouraging wider participation in C&I initiatives, the G-77/CHINA added “adequate” technical and financial assistance and participation at the “operational” level.

Delegates substituted “common international understanding” for “international agreement” on terms and concepts and “similarities” for “mutual recognition and convergence” in a subparagraph about relating C&I initiatives. The G-77/CHINA replaced C&I “frameworks” with “initiatives” in the subparagraph on CBD Parties.

CONCLUSIONS: The draft conclusions on TFRK contained in E/CN.17/IPF/1997/3/WG.I/L.3 were negotiated. VENEZUELA deleted language on governance and culture in the paragraph on defining TFRK and inserted references to national legislation. In the paragraph on communities with sustainable lifestyles, “technological change” replaced “new technologies.” To the subparagraph on valuable new products, COLOMBIA inserted “prior” before informed consent but no agreement was reached on whether to include language on: “payment of royalty on IPR;” “indigenous legal systems and customary law;” or replacement of “payment” for “compensation.” The subparagraphs on exchange of information and on the acquisition and dissemination of TFRK were agreed. The G-77/CHINA added a reference to equitable sharing of benefits in the subparagraph on the CBD.

The Working Group reviewed conclusions on countries with low forest cover (E/CN.17/IPF/1997/3/WG.I/L.5) and on assessment, forest research and valuation in an evening session.

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