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ENB:14:03 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The informal-informal group discussing Chapters I (Mission Statement) and II (Global Framework) met into the night on both Tuesday and Wednesday. During discussions on Tuesday, there seemed to be agreement to identify the aim of the Platform, as noted in its first sentence, as women"s empowerment, rather than as the acceleration of the implementation of the Nairobi Strategies or the removal of obstacles to participation, as suggested in earlier proposals. Delegates also discussed the purpose of the chapters and identified misplaced paragraphs.

On Wednesday, progress continued on several paragraphs. Paragraph 7 (world-wide move towards democratization) includes a reference to the fact that participation of women as full and equal partners in decision-making has not yet been achieved. It also notes that, in some Eastern European countries, the transition to parliamentary democracy was marked by violence. In paragraph 8 (global economic situation), delegates added a reference to SAPs and their effect on women. The reference to an overall decline in development assistance remains bracketed.

In paragraph 9 (search for solutions), references to unemployment, absolute poverty and the feminization of poverty were added as reasons for the need to find solutions seeking to ensure people-centered sustainable development. The text also calls for a transformation to one of equal partnership between women and men. Paragraph 9(bis) (human rights and full and equal participation) was accepted, with a bracketed reference to the universal nature of human rights.

Paragraph 12 (women and peace) now begins by recognizing that the achievement and maintenance of peace and security are preconditions for social and economic development, and notes women"s increasing role in the peace movement. A reference to women"s role as mothers in the achievement of peace was bracketed. The reference to foreign occupation and ethnic conflicts was bracketed and moved to paragraph 6 (end of the Cold War). The paragraph also notes that women"s participation in decision-making, conflict prevention and resolution and all other peace initiatives is essential.

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