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The informal-informal meeting on the health section reconvened Tuesday morning and completed Strategic Objective C.1 (Increase women"s access to health care and information services.) A bracketed footnote stating that implementation of actions outlined in the section are the sovereign right of each country and are in conformity with universally recognized human rights was inserted in the chapeau. An alternative footnote on guidelines in ICPD for the section was also bracketed. In paragraph 80 (actions to be taken by Governments), references to NGOs and employers, with the support of international institutions, were bracketed. In sub-paragraph 80(a)(support and implement international agreements), the qualification "taking into account reservations and declarations" in the ICPD was inserted. Sub-paragraph 80(a)(bis)(health as a human right), was amended to reaffirm the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. A sentence calling for women"s access to social security systems in equality with men throughout the life-cycle, was added. In sub-paragraph 80(b)(gender specific health programmes),references to "decentralized" health programmes and services "in cooperation with women and community-based organizations" were inserted. A reference to the removal of barriers to women"s health services was bracketed. Sub-paragraph 80(c)(accessible and affordable health care), was reformulated with bracketed references to sexual and reproductive health care and maternal and emergency obstetrics. In sub-paragraph 80(d) (information, services and training for health workers), a reference to parental responsibility and guidance was inserted. Sub-paragraph 80(d)(bis) (conformity of health services to human rights standards), calls for Governments to: "Ensure that all health services and workers conform to human rights and to ethical, professional and gender-sensitive standards in the delivery of women"s health services aimed at ensuring responsible, voluntary and informed consent." A qualification, stating that nothing in the Platform is intended to require any health professional or health facility to provide or refer for services to which they have religious or moral objections, was bracketed. In sub-paragraph 80(d)(ter) (harmful and coercive medical interventions), a bracketed reformulation calls for: the elimination of harmful, medically unnecessary, or coercive medical interventions; inappropriate and over-medication of women; and women to be fully informed of their options. An amendment referring to the rights and responsibilities of parents was inserted after a reference to girls in bracketed sub- paragraph 80(e) (strengthen and reorient health care for girls and women). The target dates for the provision of reproductive health care "worldwide" were amended to read "no later than 2015." Sub-paragraph 80(e)(bis) (health impact of unsafe abortion) was bracketed. In sub-paragraph 80(e)(ter) (punitive measures for illegal abortions), "repeal" was replaced with "consider review of" laws containing punitive measures against women who have undergone illegal abortions. A reference to parental responsibility and guidance was inserted in sub-paragraphs 80(f) (attention to the needs of girls while achieving goals for the reduction of infant and child mortality) and 80(f)(bis) (access to health and nutrition information). In sub-paragraph 80(g) (policies, programmes and legislation to alleviate health hazards), a call for policies and legislation to alleviate and eliminate health hazards associated with work was amended to direct "special attention to pregnant women" and "lactating women." In sub- paragraph 80(h) (mental health services), an amendment calling for recognition and care for "girls" and women of all ages who have experienced any form of violence or abuse was introduced. New sub-paragraph 80(k) (strengthen NGOs working on women"s health), calls for help to develop networks aimed at improving coordination and collaboration between all sectors that affect health. A bracketed sub-paragraph 80(l) (supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals) calls for: a reliable supply of pharmaceuticals; safety of drugs and devices through national regulatory processes; and contraceptives. Sub-paragraph 80(n)(improve the nutritional status of girls and women), was amended to call for household and national food security and for programmes aimed at improving the nutritional status of all girls and women. The second sub-paragraph 80(n) (access to safe drinking water and sanitation) was amended to call for the availability of safe drinking water and sanitation.

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