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ENB:14:16 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Working Group, chaired by Nana Amma Yeboaa (Ghana), met Saturday afternoon to discuss the recommendations of informal groups and the section on the girl child. The reference to South Africa in 17 (democratization) was retained. A proposed text for 30 (women and family) notes that women play a critical role in the family and that women s contribution to the family and to society is not fully recognized. A proposed text for 31 (religion, spirituality and belief) (which will become 25bis) notes that the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is inalienable and that religion and belief may, and can, contribute to fulfilling moral and ethical needs and to realizing one's full potential. Delegates added "consistent with freedom of expression" to 244(b) (codes of conduct for violent, degrading media materials).

SECTION L (girl child): In 263 (education of girls), the EU proposed adding gender inequalities in society and families as reasons for girls not attending school. Algeria objected to the reference to discrimination in the family.