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ENB:14:17 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Working Group I met during a morning session, chaired by Nana Amma Yeboaa (Ghana), to hear a report from the Contact Group on health, to discuss the section on the girl child, and to consider work by informal groups.

The chair of the Contact Group on health, Mervat Tallawy, announced that agreement had been reached on paragraphs 97 (sexual rights) and 107(k) (review punitive measures for illegal abortions). The Working Group adopted the amendments, following which several nations noted the reservations they would make. Japan reserved on 107(k). Iran emphasized their understanding that the paragraphs fell under the issue of health and in the framework of marriage. Sudan reserved on the word sexuality. Venezuela, Yemen, Argentina, Jordan, Libya, Malta, Iraq, the Holy See, Syria, Ecuador, Bangladesh and the Philippines also announced reservations.

SECTION L (girl child): In 269 (sexual violence and STDs), the Chair noted the health group s agreement to "unprotected and premature sexual relations," which was adopted for this paragraph. Canada, supported by India, the US and others, proposed deleting the reference to trafficking in human organs and tissue. The EU preferred keeping the reference. Yemen proposed a reference to illegal adoption of children. In 270 (girls with disabilities), delegates adopted an Australian redraft noting the need to ensure non-discrimination and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. New Zealand proposed acceptance of the reference to enabling girls "in all their diversity" in 272 (eliminate barriers), but Benin preferred "without exception," which the Group adopted.

In 273 (mainstream gender perspective), Mexico proposed encouraging analysis to assess gender-sensitive impacts, but a number of delegations preferred the original call for analysis before decisions are taken, which was accepted. In 274(d) (succession and inheritance), Egypt explained that countries of Islamic faith could not accept "equal inheritance." Norway noted that countries with different systems could not accept "equitable," and suggested using reservations.

Delegates then reviewed and adopted text from an informal group on 30 (women and family), 31 (religion, spirituality and belief) (which will become 25bis), and 245(b) (media materials on role models). The bracketed text in 245(b) will be replaced with a reference to experiences of balancing work and family responsibilities, as mothers and as professionals. The Working Group continued consideration of the section on the girl child during an evening session.

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