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The third meeting of the Main Committee, chaired by Patricia Licuanan, convened to adopt the agreed text contained in Non-Papers. Sections were available in all UN languages. Many delegations noted inaccurate translations, and many objected to adopting paragraphs containing brackets. The Secretariat explained the importance of accepting all cleared text, even in paragraphs containing brackets, so that the whole document could be translated in time for Plenary.

SECTION E (armed conflict): The Chair of Working Group II, Irene Freudenschuss, introduced Non-Paper 9. Argentina, Guatemala, the Holy See, Malta, Peru, and Syria said they would make reservations when they had an accurate translation of the full document. Kuwait reserved on all bracketed text. The Main Committee approved all unbracketed text.

SECTION A (poverty): In introducing Non-Paper 5, Chair Freudenschuss noted that Egypt had requested a deferral of paragraphs 62 (f) (mobilization) and 63 (b) (legislative reforms) pending the outcome of informal negotiations on inheritance rights. Agreed paragraphs were approved for recommendation for adoption by the Plenary. Pakistan asked for postponement of 61(c) pending the outcome of negotiations on resources in an informal group convened by Working Group I.

CHAPTER V (Institutional Arrangements): Nana Amma Yeboaa (Ghana), Chair of Working Group I, presented Non-Paper 17. The outstanding issues are 291 (mandates and resources for national, subregional/regional and international institutions) and 343 (international financial institutions). Chair Licuanan called delegates' attention to the statement on budget implications of the Platform for Action (A/CONF.177/L.6). The US stated that, with regard to the reference to commitments in 293 (conference of commitment), her country would not interpret the Platform as legally binding. Delegates then adopted the cleared text.

CHAPTER VI (Financial Arrangements): Chair Amma Yeboaa then presented Non-Paper 18. The outstanding issue is in 362 (mobilization of resources from within the UN). The US noted that, with respect to 354 (adequate financial resources) and its mention of 0.7% GNP ODA, her country has not accepted an ODA target and that national governments have the primary responsibility for development. The Non-Paper was not translated into all UN languages, however, so final adoption was postponed.

SECTION J (mass media): Chair Yeboaa introduced Non-Paper 14 and noted that agreement had been reached on 245(b) (disseminate media materials on role models). The issues still subject to informal negotiations were 239 (h) (freedom of media) and 242 (d) (indigenous media development), the latter being handled by Working Group II. The US noted that the Platform proposals constitute recommendations and would not impinge on the freedom of the press. The agreed paragraphs were recommended for adoption by the Plenary.

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