Highlights and images for 10 April 2018



Highlights for Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Parliament of India, and Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), India, cut the ribbon at the opening of the International 3R Exhibition

On Tuesday, the Eighth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific formally opened in Indore, India. After a cultural ceremony, participants heard welcome addresses by: Durga Shanker Mishra, MoHUA, India; Maya Singh, Minister for Urban Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh, India; Tadahiko Ito, State Minister, Ministry of the Environment, Japan; Birgitte Bryld, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA); Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State, MoHUA; and the guest of honor, Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Parliament of India.During the day, four plenary sessions were held addressing the overall theme of the Eighth Forum: “Achieving Clean Water, Clean Land and Clean Air through 3R and Resource Efficiency.” Plenary Session 1 on “Toward Zero Waste Society - The 3R Way” set the scene, with presentations on path-breaking initiatives in India and South Australia, followed by a panel discussion addressing collaboration between national and city authorities in promoting zero waste policies and the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs).Plenary Session 2 on "The 3Rs and Clean Water,” discussed generally and highlighted specific cases involving India and Bangladesh in advancing 3R and circular economy policies to reduce water scarcity and generate co-benefits for water security and safe drinking water.Plenary Session 3 on "The 3Rs and Clean Land,” discussed the many ways waste practices can contribute to land degradation, and ways promoting the 3Rs and circular economy policies can mitigate such impacts, prevent land pollution and promote remediation.Plenary Session 4 on "The 3Rs and Clean Air,” looked at the impacts of waste practices on air pollution and climate change, including the release of short-lived climate pollutants such as methane, and the ways that the 3Rs and circular economy policies can prevent such pollution and generate climate co-benefits. The specific experiences of India and Singapore were presented. Panelists discussed, inter alia, open dumping and waste burning, including biomass, which sometimes produces trans-boundary air pollution.The International 3R Exhibition was held throughout the day. During the afternoon two parallel events were held, one on what Indian industry is doing to address the 3Rs and waste management, the other on the recycling of land-based marine litter in the South Asia region.In the evening, MoHUA hosted a reception and dinner for Forum delegates.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, will provide daily digital coverage and a summary report from the 8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific. Kindly return to this website on Monday, 9 April 2018, for more information.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Sean Wu

For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page

Opening Ceremony
VIPs light the ceremonial lamp officially opening the Forum

8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific

Indian dancers performing traditional dances during the opening ceremony

8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific

Maya Singh, Minister, Urban Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh, India
Durga Shanker Mishra, MoHUA, India
Tadahiko Ito, State Minister, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOE), holds up a children's book on the Japanese concept of Mottainai which has been translated for distribution to Indian children.
Birgitte Bryld, UN DESA
Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State, MoHUA, India
View of the delegates during the opening ceremony
Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Parliament of India

Plenary Session 1: Towards Zero Waste Society - The 3R Way
View of the dais during the plenary session 1
V.K. Jindal, MoHUA, India
Vivek Aggarwal, Government of Madhya Predesh, India
Vaughan Levitzke, Chief Executive, Green Industries, South Australia
C.R.C. Mohanty, UNCRD

Plenary Session 2: The 3Rs and Clean Water - The Role of the Circular Economy in Reducing Water Pollution
View of the dais during the plenary session 2
J.B. Ravinder, MoHUA, India
V.K. Chaurasia, MoHUA, India
Rene van Berkel, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Carine Van Hove, Global Science, Technology & Innovation Conference (G-STIC)

Plenary Session 3: The 3Rs and Clean Land - The Role of the Circular Economy in Preventing Land Pollution
Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia
Jinhui Li, Director, Basel Convention Regional Center for the Asia and Pacific Region (BCRC China)
View of the dais during the plenary session 3

Plenary Session 4: The 3Rs and Clean Air - The Role of the Circular Economy towards Preventing Air Pollution
Sandra Mazo-Nix, Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC), France
Pradeep Khandelwal, East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC), India
View of the dais during the plenary session 4

Parallel Sessions
View of the parallel session on Recycling of Land Based Marine Litter: Challenges and Opportunities in South Asia Region
View of the Indian industry parallel session on 3R and Waste Management

Around the Venue