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Draft Platform for Action
H. Insufficient mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of women
Strategic objective H.3. Generate and disseminate gender-disaggregated data and information for planning and evaluation

Actions to be taken

209. By national, regional and international statistical services, and relevant governmental and United Nations agencies, in cooperation with research and documentation organizations, in their respective areas of responsibility:

(a) [Aim to] Ensure that [all] statistics related to individuals are collected, compiled, analysed and presented by sex and age [and reflect problems and questions related to women and men in society];

(b) Collect, compile, analyse and present on a regular basis data disaggregated by age, sex, socio-economic and other relevant indicators, including number of dependants, for utilization in policy and programme planning and implementation [and to reflect problems and questions related to men and women in society];

(c) Involve centres for women's studies and research organizations in developing and testing [appropriate indicators and] research methodologies to strengthen gender analysis, as well as in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the goals of the Platform for Action;

(d) Designate or appoint staff to strengthen gender-statistics programmes and ensure coordination, monitoring and linkage to all fields of statistical work, and prepare output that integrates statistics from the various subject areas;

(e) [Take steps to] Improve [and adopt] the [concepts and methods of] data collection on the full contribution of women and men to the economy [by taking steps] to [measure] [make visible] their participation in the informal sector(s);

(f) [[Seek to] Develop a more comprehensive knowledge of work and employment through, inter alia, efforts to measure and better understand the type, extent and distribution of unremunerated work, particularly work in caring for dependants and unremunerated work done for family farms or businesses, and encouraging, sharing and disseminating information, studies and experience in this field, including information on the development of methods for assessing the value of such work in quantitative terms, for possible reflection in accounts that may be produced separately from but are consistent with core national accounts;]

(g) [Develop an international classification of activities for time-use statistics, with Governments also undertaking time-use studies, and prioritize further work at the national level to prepare satellite or parallel accounts of women's and men's unremunerated economic contribution, including quantifying household responsibilities as appropriate, producing such accounts separately from but making them consistent with core national accounts, defining the unremunerated worker as a worker in the System of National Accounts and mainstreaming the distinction between paid and unpaid work in employment statistics;]

(h) Improve concepts and methods of data collection on the measurement of poverty among women and men, including their access to resources;

(i) Strengthen vital statistical systems and incorporate gender analysis into publications and research; give priority to gender differences in research design and in data collection and analysis in order to improve data on morbidity; and improve data collection on access to health services [including access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, maternal care and family planning, with special priority for adolescent mothers and for elder care];

(j) Develop improved gender-disaggregated and age-specific data on the victims and perpetrators of [all forms of] violence against women, such as domestic violence, sexual harassment, rape, incest and sexual abuse, and trafficking in women and girls, as well as on violence by the agents of the State;

(k) Improve concepts and methods of data collection on the participation of women and men with disabilities, including their access to resources.

210. By Governments:

(a) Ensure the regular production of a statistical publication on gender that presents and interprets topical data on women and men in a form suitable for a wide range of non-technical users;

(b) Ensure that producers and users of statistics in each country regularly review the adequacy of the official statistical system and its coverage of gender issues, and prepare a plan for needed improvements, where necessary;

(c) Develop and encourage the development of quantitative and qualitative studies by research organizations, trade unions, employers, the private sector and non-governmental organizations on the sharing of power and influence in society, including the number of women and men in senior decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors;

(d) Use more gender-sensitive data in the formulation of policy and implementation of programmes and projects.

211. By the United Nations:

(a) Promote the development of [statistical] methods to find better ways to collect, collate and analyse data that may relate to the human rights of women, including violence against women [for use by the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Human Rights, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and human rights treaty bodies];

(b) Promote the further development of statistical methods to improve data that relate to women in economic, social, cultural and political development;

(c) Prepare a new issue of The World's Women at regular five-year intervals and distribute it widely;

(d) Assist countries, upon request, in the development of gender [concepts and] programmes;

(e) [Report periodically on progress at the national and international levels to the United Nations Statistical Commission, INSTRAW and the Commission on the Status of Women, in a coordinated fashion.]

212. [By multilateral development financial institutions and bilateral donors:

Support the development of national capacity in developing countries and in countries with economies in transition to fully measure the work done by women, including both remunerated and unremunerated work.] [Produce satellite accounts on unremunerated work that may be produced separately from but are consistent with core national accounts, while recognizing that such satellite accounts are to be used independently of national accounts.]

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