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Draft Platform for Action
1. United Nations
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

335. [In conformity with its mandates in research, training and the dissemination of information for the advancement of women, the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) should review its work programme in the light of the Platform for Action, which, together with Agenda 21, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, will provide guidelines for the development of a programme for implementing those aspects of the Platform for Action that fall within its mandate. It should identify those types of research and research methodologies to be given priority, strengthen national capacities to carry out women's studies and gender research, including research on the status of the girl child, and develop networks of research institutions that can be mobilized for that purpose. The proposed gender research should reflect the periodic changes in the socio-economic status of women and the girl child in various regions. It should identify those types of education and training that can effectively be supported and promoted by the Institute, which will also serve as a focal point for gender training in the United Nations system as a whole within its field of competence.]


[In conformity with its mandates in research, training and the dissemination of information for the advancement of women, the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), as the only United Nations organization whose aim is to promote research and training on women's situation and development, should review its work programme in the light of the Platform for Action, together with Agenda 21, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, and develop a programme for implementing those aspects of the Platform for Action that fall within its mandate. It should identify those types of research and research methodologies to be given priority, strengthen national capacities to carry out women's studies and gender research including research on the status of the girl child, and develop networks of research institutions that can be mobilized for that purpose. The proposed gender research should reflect the periodic changes in the socio-economic status of women and the girl child in various regions. It should identify those types of education and training that can effectively be supported and promoted by the Institute, which will also serve as a focal point for gender training in the United Nations system as a whole as appropriate.]

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