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7.30. Reproductive health programmes should increase their efforts to prevent, detect and treat sexually transmitted diseases and other reproductive tract infections, especially at the primary health-care level. Special outreach efforts should be made to those who do not have access to reproductive health-care programmes.

7.31. All health-care providers, including all family-planning providers, should be given specialized training in the prevention and detection of, and counselling on, sexually transmitted diseases, especially infections in women and youth, including HIV/AIDS.

7.32. Information, education and counselling for responsible sexual behaviour and effective prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV should become integral components of all reproductive and sexual health services.

7.33. Promotion and the reliable supply and distribution of high-quality condoms should become integral components of all reproductive health care services. All relevant international organizations, especially the World Health Organization, should significantly increase their procurement. Governments and the international community should provide all means to reduce the spread and the rate of transmission of HIV/AIDS infection.