13th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention
Delegates had three days to address the challenges of updating the Basel Convention and its associated tools on issues including e-waste, plastic wastes, and modernizing the prior informed consent (PIC) procedure, while working to ensure the Convention is functioning effectively given the shifting landscape of chemicals and waste policy.
Resumed 5th Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on BBNJ
Governments agreed on a draft treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. The eventual treaty will address exploitation of marine genetic resources, including benefit-sharing; establish area-based management tools, such as marine protected areas; set procedures for environmental impact assessments; and provide capacity building and transfer of marine technology.
Le cinquième Congrès international sur les Aires marines protégées (IMPAC5)
Des experts de la conservation des océans et des responsables de haut niveau se sont réunis pour discuter de la manière de faire progresser la protection des océans et de la voie à suivre pour atteindre les objectifs de conservation, notamment protéger au moins 30 % des terres et des océans du monde d'ici 2030 (30 d'ici 30).
5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5)
Ocean conservation experts and high-level officials gathered to discuss how to advance Ocean protection and a way forward to achieve conservation targets, including to protect at least 30% of the world’s land and Ocean by 2030 (30 by 30).
OEWG1-2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution
In their discussions toward the establishment of a science-policy panel to contribute to the sound management of chemicals and waste and the prevention of pollution, delegates focused on the scope and functions of the panel. Capacity building attracted particular attention, and was supported as an additional function of the panel.
Biodiversity Action for and by the Global South
Given the combined strength of countries from the global South to cooperate and collaborate in securing the future of this Planet, this event discussed opportunities for enhancing inter and intra-regional cooperation to realize the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
Kick-off Implementation of the GBF with Youth! The next big step to truly transform our future
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network brought together key decision makers, government officials, and youth to identify ways to build and enhance an intergenerational partnership to avoid a repeat of the shortcoming witnessed with the Aichi Targets.
Deepening Synergies Between the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement
Nature-positive synergies between these important agreements are possible through: comprehensive management of risks, breaking down silos, and integrating policies, budgets, and plans at all levels.
High-Level Breakfast on Soil Biodiversity: Launch of the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory
Soil biodiversity loss remains one of the main global threats to food security in many regions of the world and is likely greater than estimated due to the lack of data on this issue.