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52nd Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-52)

During the week-long meeting, participants agreed on an outline for the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report, engaged in detailed consideration of the organization of future work in light of the Global Stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement, and also adopted the Gender Policy and Implementation Plan.
Event 24 February 2020 - 28 February 2020

2nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

At its second meeting, the Working Group commented on the zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework that was released in January 2020. Delegates approved the final recommendation of the meeting compiled by Co-Chairs Francis Ogwal (Uganda) and Basile van Havre (Canada), and adopted the meeting’s report. 
Event 24 February 2020 - 29 February 2020

1st Part of the 26th Annual Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)

The Council’s substantive discussions focused on the draft regulations for deep seabed mining,  which will need to ensure environmental protection while balancing stakeholders’ interests.  Delegates engaged in discussions over new proposals on regional environmental management plans (REMPs) and the financial model for mineral exploitation.
Event 17 February 2020 - 21 February 2020

13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP13)

Parties adopted the Gandhinagar Declaration calling for migratory species and “ecological connectivity” to be integrated and prioritized in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Parties also added 10 new species to the Convention on Migratory Species Appendices, approved conservation plans for 14 species, and adopted other measures benefiting migratory species. 
Conference of the Parties (COP) 15 February 2020 - 22 February 2020

10th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10)

Over 6 days, the 18,000 registered Forum participants unpacked the theme of “Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation” in assemblies, dialogues, special sessions, roundtables and many side events. At the close of the Forum the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions were presented as the main outcome document. 
Event 8 February 2020 - 13 February 2020

32nd UN-Water Meeting

Participants at the 32nd UN-Water Meeting moved through a packed agenda focused on issues related to the UN-Water programme of work and the UN-Water 2030 Strategy, ways to accelerate progress on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 (clean water and sanitation) implementation, and ways to elevate and address water and sanitation challenges at the country and regional level in light of the UN reform process, among other issues. 
Event 28 January 2020 - 29 January 2020

57th Meeting of the GEF Council

The 57th meeting of the Global Environment Facility Council adopted a Work Program, comprising 48 projects and five programs, with total resources amounting to USD 588.5 million. The Council discussed a proposed private sector engagement strategy and heard updates by the Conventions on activities leading up to “super year 2020."
Event 16 December 2019 - 19 December 2019

Oceans Action Day at COP 25

The 2019 Ocean Action Day, held during the Blue COP in Madrid, Spain, brought together ocean experts from around the world, to assess climate actions, identify gaps, and discuss the urgent actions necessary to address challenges related to the oceans-climate nexus.
Event 7 December 2019

Barcelona Convention COP 21 and its Protocols

Delegates to the Barcelona Convention adopted 14 decisions—one on the programme of work and budget for 2020-2021, and 13 thematic decisions, including on governance, an emissions control area for sulphur oxides, and marine pollution from land-based sources.  
Conference of the Parties (COP) 2 December 2019 - 5 December 2019