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1st Part of the 25th Annual Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)

Delegates tackled the herculean task of building the legal, institutional, and economic frameworks of an unprecedented expedition. The outcome of these deliberations, the draft regulations on exploitation of mineral resources in the Area, will govern future relevant activities in the oceans. As a long-standing negotiator emphasized, ‘We have the opportunity to get it right. We have the opportunity to show the world that fair benefit-sharing can take place.”
Event 25 February 2019 - 1 March 2019

17th Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 17) to the UNCCD

CRIC 17 represented the first opportunity to assess countries’ progress in implementing the UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework. This first set of progress reports, while still lacking in detail, provided countries with a useful moment of reflection on the effort needed to ensure robust monitoring of the Convention’s five Strategic Objectives and fully comply with their reporting obligations based on the new four-year review cycle.
Event 28 January 2019 - 30 January 2019