Bonn Climate Change Conference - October 2015
Parties returned to Bonn disappointed following release of an ADP Co-Chairs’ text that many found unbalanced and unacceptable as a basis for further negotiations. They engaged in a text re-compilation exercise, followed by a painstaking process of streamlining and clustering with only five weeks to consider their options ahead of Paris.
11th Meeting of the Stockholm Convention’s Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC-11)
12th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD (COP 12)
What some viewed as an intrepid direction for the UNCCD to pursue in years past turned into a potentially “game changing” accomplishment when COP 12 swiftly adopted a decision deciding that striving to achieve SDG target 15.3 is a “strong vehicle for driving implementation of the UNCCD,” and inviting countries to set voluntary targets to achieve land degradation neutrality.