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First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Open-Ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) And Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Seville, Spain, 27 -  31 March 2000


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Versión en Español Spanish

Thursday, 30th March

During the morning delegates met in a brief Plenary to hear reports of the Sub-Working Group Co-Chairs on Wednesday's deliberations on the work programme elements. During the afternoon and evening sessions delegates considered a recommendation merging the results of the two Sub-Working Groups's discussions on the work programme. Chair Juan Luis Muriel, Spain, opened the Plenary noting distribution of a conference room paper integrating the results of both Sub-Working Groups' deliberations on work programme elements.

Joe Mulongoy of the CBD Secretariat takes a breather to read the daily news.

  Co-Chair Damaso Luna, Mexico, noted SWG-I's extensive debates on work programme elements regarding participatory mechanisms, equitable-sharing of benefits and legal elements. He highlighted a recommendation stating that the Indicative List of Activities contained in background document and comments provided during working sessions could serve as a basis for further development of the work programme. He noted the concern of indigenous and local communities over their territories and the integration of concepts from other international instruments into the CBD, and requested that they be noted in the meeting's report.


Co-Chair John Herity, Canada, reported on SWG-II's contribution to the draft recommendations on the work programme. He noted the inclusion of overarching ideas about capacity-building and highlighted concerns such as the need for full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities, involvement of women, respect for traditional knowledge and the holistic approach.


Co-Chair, Aroha Te Pareake Mead, noted the increase in participation of Indigenous peoples in the CBD and in particular Article 8(j).

At the start of the afternoon Plenary, Chair Muriel explained that the session would address the conference room paper on the work programme elements in five parts: the preamble; Recommendations; General Principles; tasks of the first phase; and tasks of the second phase.

R.H. Khwaja, Ministry of Environment and Forests, India, talks with Bineet Mundu, CASS, before the day's Plenary.

The Co-Chairs of Sub-Working Group I, Damatos Luna, Mexico, and Antonio Jacanamijoy, COICA, consult during a break in the action.
Delegates examining a newly released conference room paper.

Luingam Luithui Asian Indigenous Peoples Program speaks of the role of traditional knowledge in Thailand.
Magarita Gutierrez, Hñahñu, speaking with Nilo Cayuqueo, Co-director, Abya Yala Fund.





Fred Fortier, Canadian Indigenous Caucus, suggested that the concept of environmental impact assessment should be amended to social impact assessment.

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, TEBTEBBA, suggesting alternatives during the document revision process.

Delegates in Plenary during the revision of the Working Group document.

Seville: The twelve-sided Torre Del Oro (Tower of Gold) was  built by the Almohads in 1200 as part of the City's defenses. The Tower, which is now a naval museum, overlooks the Canal de Alfonso XIII

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