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Today's Photos

Swaziland Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Rev. A.M.C. Dlamini (center) gets ready for his plenary address. Dlamini linked poverty elimination to biodiversity conservation.

NGOs exit the Plenary Hall in a silent protest as Nigeria gives an address calling for majority voting in COP disputes and claiming its ratification represented support for "survival of life in all its ramifications."

Naizgy Gebremedhin, Executive Director of the Eritrean Agency for the Environment, speaks with a delegate from Guinea after giving one of the day's most poetic address. Gebremedhin called for "lighting sacred fires" of outrage at extinctions and the loss of biodiversity, of the reverence for living things, to make the Biodiversity Convention a true instrument of peace.

Photos from early this week

This is a picture of Canada giving the acceptance speech as the site for the CBD Secretariat.

The Jakarta Convention Centre

A shot of the main Plenary Hall.




Dr. Calestous Juma, Executive Secretary of the CBD Secretariat.

Ibrahim Diabate of ACCT visits with another delegate.

Peter Unwin, Head of the UK Delegation.





Dr. John Ashe, Head of Delegation from Antigua and Barbuda

Madame Ting of Malaysia

Veit Koester of Denmark, Chair of the Commitee of the Whole at COP-1

David Hales of USAID