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Photos from Biodiversity COP-3

Updated Monday 4 November

Behind the scenes
A view from behind what will be the scene of the COP-3
We'll be adding images from the negotiations once they begin, but for now, all we can do is set the scene. The Third Conference of Parties to the Biodiversity Convention is being held at Parque Norte, a large recreational complex in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The image at right is looking at the conference site, the Gold Center, from behind. You can also see a panoramic view of the park, as seen from the bridge on the highway nearby.

Trees near Plaza San Martin
Spring greenery across from the Plaza San Martin
It is spring in Buenos Aires, so the trees are beginning to bloom in other parks around town. And although it is sometimes considered an antiquated tourist attraction, the tango still has a place here.
The Tango
Tango in the Plaza Alvear